The 12th Golden Helix Pharmacogenomics day was held in the Auditorium of the Centro di Riferimento Oncologico (CRO) in Aviano, Italy. The meeting included speakers and participants from various Italian cities and also from other countries, such as the USA, Netherlands, Slovenia, and focused on pharmacogenomics in cancer treatment. Meeting participants, who excedded 130, were awarded credits for continuous medical education (CME).

Organized by:

Under the auspices of:

The 12th Golden Helix Pharmacogenomics day was held in the Auditorium of the Centro di Riferimento Oncologico (CRO) in Aviano, Italy. The meeting included speakers and participants from various Italian cities and also from other countries, such as the USA, Netherlands, Slovenia, and focused on pharmacogenomics in cancer treatment. Meeting participants, who excedded 130, were awarded credits for continuous medical education (CME).

Organized by:

Under the auspices of:

Organizing Committe

Giuseppe Toffoli; Researcher, Centro di Riferimento Oncologico, National Cancer Center, Aviano, Italy

Federico Innocenti; Associate Professor and Associate Director, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, United States of America

George P. Patrinos; Associate Professor, University of Patras, Department of Pharmacy, Patras, Greece

Invited speakers

Giuseppe Aprile (Udine, Italy)

Emilio Bria (Verona, Italy)

Romano Danesi, (Pisa, Italy)

Vita Dolzan (Ljubljana, Slovenia)

Henk-Jan Guchelaar (Leiden, the Netherlands)

Federico Innocenti (Chapel Hill, NC, USA)

Mita Mancini (London, UK)

Enrico Mini (Florence, Italy)

Giorgio Minotti (Rome, Italy)

Giuseppe Novelli (Rome, Italy)

Arianna Paganelli (Jesi, Italy)

George P. Patrinos (Patras, Greece)

Mario Scartozzi (Ancona, Italy)

Giuseppe Toffoli (Aviano, Italy)

Miro Venturi (Basel, Switzerland)

Marina Ziche (Siena, Italy)

Scientific Program

08.30 09.00 Registration

09.00 09.20 Opening addresses

Session 1 – Chairpersons: Romano Danesi, Giuseppe Novelli

09.20 09.50 Federico Innocenti, Associate Professor, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, USA

Personalizing care in cancer

09.50 10.20 Giuseppe Toffoli, Group Leader, Centro di Riferimento Oncologico, Aviano, Italy

Application of pharmacogenomics in clinical trials

10.20 10.40 George P. Patrinos, Associate Professor, University of Patras Department of Pharmacy, Patras, Greece

Pharmacogenomics in developing countries in Europe: Challenges and pitfalls

10.40 11.00 Vita Dolzan, Professor, Ljubljana University Medical School, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Pharmacogenomic biomarkers related to malignant mesothelioma treatment


11.15 12.45 SIF Symposium: Pharmacogenomics of germ-line genetic variation – Chairperson: Teresita Mazzei

Romano Danesi, Professor, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy

Translation of pharmacogenomics to the clinical practice: the fluoropyrimidines model

Enrico Mini, Professor,University of Florence, Florence, Italy

Colorectal cancer as a model for pharmacogenomics based personalized treatment

Giorgio Minotti, Professor, Policlinico Universitario, Rome, Italy

Pharmacogenomics markers of drug-induced cardiotoxicity

Marina Ziche, Professor, University of Siena, Siena, Italy

In vitro strategies for pharmacogenomics markers functional validation


13.45 14.45 AIOM Symposium: Pharmacogenomics of somatic genetic variation, Chairperson: Giuseppe Altavilla

Mario Scartozzi, Researcher, University Hospital Riuniti Umberto I, Ancona, Italy

The value of somatic mutations testing in stomach cancer

Giuseppe Aprile, Researcher, University Hospital, Udine, Italy

The value of somatic mutations testing in colorectal cancer

Emilio Bria, Researcher, University Hospital, Verona, Italy

The value of somatic mutations testing in lung cancer

Session 2 – Chairpersons: Giuseppe Toffoli, Federico Innocenti

14.45 15.45 Giuseppe Novelli, Professor and Rector, Policlinico Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy

Guidance and regulatory needs for pharmacogenomics testing in the clinical practice: AIFA and EMA perspectives

15.45 16.30 Henk-Jan Guchelaar, Professor, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, the Netherlands

Prospective pharmacogenetic analysis to guide therapy: The Leiden experience

16.30 17.30 – Satellite Workshop outside of ECM program: Companies point of view on the pharmacogenomics

Miro Venturi, Clinical Specialist, Ho_mann La Roche, Basel, Switzerland

Personalized medicine approaches in the discovery and development of new drugs: Point of view of the pharma companies

Arianna Paganelli, Specialist, Diatech, Jesi, Italy

Nanostring: a quick and reliable tool for diagnostics and translational research

Mita Mancini, Clinical Specialist, A_ymetrix Central Europe UK, Ltd

DMET+ Solution: bringing pharmacogenetics into clinical practice

17.30 17.45 Discussion – Concluding remarks


The Organizing Committee acknowledges the support of following entities that supported the organization of the 10th Golden Helix Pharmacogenomics Day:
