“Pharmacogenomics: Paving the path to Translational Medicine”

DIVANI Apollon Palace and Spa, 15-17 October 2009, Athens, Greece

We are very pleased to invite you to attend the 2009 Golden Helix Symposium: Pharmacogenomics: Paving the path to personalized medicine October 15th-17th, 2009 Divani Apollon Palace and Spa hotel, Athens, Greece. Pharmacogenomics is gaining momentum in modern medical practice. Recognizing the challenges that currently emerge for molecular medicine in the post-genomic era, the Golden Helix Symposium on Pharmacogenomics includes lectures by more than 20 international leading scientists in the field and covers all aspects of this exciting new discipline, including, Warfarin, Cancer pharmacogenomics, Pharmacogenomics on neuropsychiatric (e.g. epilepsy, schizophrenia) & other disorders e.g. blood diseases, cardiovascular and connective tissue disorders, adverse effects, databases, etc. We are committed to setting the highest standard symposia in the field of human genomics and we look forward to welcoming you to Athens.

The 2009 Golden Helix Symposium Organizing Committee

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“Pharmacogenomics: Paving the path to Translational Medicine”

DIVANI Apollon Palace and Spa, 15-17 October 2009, Athens, Greece

We are very pleased to invite you to attend the 2009 Golden Helix Symposium: Pharmacogenomics: Paving the path to personalized medicine October 15th-17th, 2009 Divani Apollon Palace and Spa hotel, Athens, Greece. Pharmacogenomics is gaining momentum in modern medical practice. Recognizing the challenges that currently emerge for molecular medicine in the post-genomic era, the Golden Helix Symposium on Pharmacogenomics includes lectures by more than 20 international leading scientists in the field and covers all aspects of this exciting new discipline, including, Warfarin, Cancer pharmacogenomics, Pharmacogenomics on neuropsychiatric (e.g. epilepsy, schizophrenia) & other disorders e.g. blood diseases, cardiovascular and connective tissue disorders, adverse effects, databases, etc. We are committed to setting the highest standard symposia in the field of human genomics and we look forward to welcoming you to Athens.

The 2009 Golden Helix Symposium Organizing Committee

Organized by:

Endorsed by:

2009 Golden Helix Symposium Venue

The venue of the 2009 Golden Helix Symposium is the DIVANI Apollon Palace and Spa*****.

Divani Apollon Palace and Spa is a member of the Leading hotels of the world. This is a luxury beach resort in Athens situated in the exclusive area of Vouliagmeni, just 18km from the city centre. Guests enjoy, the pleasure of a private beach and an award winning Spa, the only one offering Thalassotherapy in the whole Attica region and one of the best Thalassotherapy centers in the Meditteranean.

Divani Apollon Palace and Spa is an excellent hotel for both leisure and business and offers quiet luxury at the prestigious Athenian Riviera.

Organizing committee
George P. Patrinos; University of Patras, Department of Pharmacy, Patras, Greece

Federico Innocenti; University of Chicago, Department of Medicine, Chicago, IL, USA

Invited Speakers

Hadi Abderrahim, Switzerland

Maria J Arranz, United Kingdom

Mara Becker, USA

Sotiria Boukouvala, Greece

Maria L Brandi, Italy

Evangelos Briasoulis, Greece

Paul Cordopatis, Greece

Norman Delanty, Ireland

Panos Deloukas, United Kingdom

Rafal Dziadziuszko, Poland

Argiris Efstratiadis, Greece

Michel Eichelbaum, Germany

Acchileas Gravanis, Greece

Laura Hodges, USA

Federico Innocenti, USA

Al Jorgensen, United Kingdom

David Josephy, Canada

Farhad Kamali, United Kingdom

Panagoula Kollia, Greece

Sefi Kronenberg, Israel

Lawrence Lesko, USA

Evangelos Manolopoulos, Greece

Sharron Marsh, USA

Miko Niemi, Finland

Andreas Papapetropoulos, Greece

George P. Patrinos, Greece

Anders Rane, Sweden

Allan Rettie, USA

Alessio Squassina , Italy

Nikos Stefanis, Greece

Eric Thervet, France

Antonis Tsarbopoulos, Greece

Asterios Tsiftsoglou, Greece

Ron H. van Shaik, The Netherlands

Vasilis Vasiliou V, USA

Scientific Program

Day 1 – October 15, 2009

10:00-13:30: Registration

13:30-14:00: Welcome Addresses

Session 1 INTRODUCTION (Chairpersons: Cordopatis P, Papapetropoulos A)

14:00-14:10: George Patrinos (Patras, Greece)

Translation of genetic knowledge into clinical practice: The expectations and realities of personalized medicines

14:10-14:30: Federico Innocenti (Chicago, IL, USA)

Pharmacogenomics: an Odyssey

14:30-15:00: Laura Hodges (USA)

PharmGKB: The Pharmacogenomics Knowledge Base



15:15-15:45: Allan Rettie (Seattle, WA, USA)

Pharmacogenetics of vitamin K antagonists and resistance to anticoagulants

15:45-16:15: Panos Deloukas (Oxford, United Kingdom)

A whole genome scan for polymorphisms influencing warfarin dosing

16:15-16:45: Farhad Kamali (United Kingdom)

The International Warfarin Pharmacogenetics Consortium

16:45-17:15: Anders Rane (Sweden)

Warfarin pharmacogenomics – Translation into clinical practice

1st Keynote speech (Chairperson: Innocenti F)

17:20-18:00: Michel Eichelbaum (Germany)

Pharmacogenomic-guided drug therapy: Where do we stand in 2009

Welcome cocktail


Day 2 – October 16th, 2009

Session 3 – CANCER PHARMACOGENOMICS (Chairpersons: Efstratiadis A, Briasoulis E)

08:30-09:00: Rafal Dziadziuszko (Poland)

Response to EGFR inhibitors: a paradigm for integrating germline and somatic molecular determinants

09:00-09:30 Ron van Shaik (Rotterdam, the Netherlands)

Gene variants in tamoxifen metabolizing enzymes CYP2D6 and CYP2C19 predict breast cancer endocrine therapy outcome

09:30-10:00: Sharon Marsh (USA)

Irinotecan pharmacogenomics

10:00-10:30: Federico Innocenti (Chicago, IL, USA)

Early experience with genome-wide association studies in cancer chemotherapy


Session 4 – PHARMACOGENETICS IN NEUROPSYCHIATRIC DISEASES (Chairpersons: Vizirianakis IS, Stefanis N)

11:00-11:30: Maria Arranz (London, United Kingdom)

Pharmacogenetics and critical candidate genes involved in drug response for schizophrenia

11:30-12:00: Sefi Kronenberg (Jerusalem, Israel)

Pharmacogenetics of anti-depressants

12:00-12:30: Norman Delanty (Galway, Ireland)

Pharmacogenomics for epilepsy treatment

12:30-13:00: Alessio Squassina (Cagliari, Italy)

Pharmacogenomics of the response to mood stabilizers in bipolar disease

2nd Keynote speech (Chairperson: Patrinos GP)

13:00-13:45: Lawrence Lesko (USA)

Level of evidence to validate pharmacogenetic biomarkers


AFTERNOON: SOCIAL EVENT (for guest speakers)

Visit to the new Acropolis Museum (transportation will be provided to and from the hotel)


ROUND TABLE: The Greek experience of translational medicine

20:00: Official Dinner Mythos of the Sea Restaurant

Dress code: Smart casual

Day 3 – October 17, 2009

Session 5 – PHARMACOGENOMICS OF OTHER DISEASES (Chairperson: Tsarbopoulos A)

08:30-09:00: George P. Patrinos (Patras, Greece)

Pharmacogenomics of hemoglobinopathies

09:00-09:30: Maria-Luisa Brandi (Italy)

Pharmacogenomics of bone treatments

09:30-10:00: Eric Thervet (France)

Impact of heritablegenetic variability on renal transplantation

10:00-10:30: Mikko Niemi (Finland)

Statin pharmacogenomics for cardiovascular patients

10:30-11:00: Vassilis Vassiliou (USA)

Pharmacogenomics: Aldehyde Dehydrogenases in human disease


Session 6 – ADVERSE DRUG REACTIONS (Chairpersons: Manolopoulos N, Boukouvala S)

11:30-12:00: Al Jorgensen (United Kingdom)

Risk modeling strategies for pharmacogenetic studies

12:00-12:30: Mara Becker (USA)

Identifying genomic causes of Adverse Drug Reactions in children

12:30-12:50: Closing remarks Future meeting

Meeting ends


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