The 4th Golden Helix Pharmacogenomics day was held in the Convention hall of the School of Medicine of the University of Cagliari in Sardinia, Italy. As with the previous event in Alexandroupolis, Greece, the meeting was quite appealing to undergraduate and graduate students, with over 150 registered participants.
Co-organized by:
Scientific Program
The 4th Golden Helix Pharmacogenomics day was held in the Convention hall of the School of Medicine of the University of Cagliari in Sardinia, Italy. As with the previous event in Alexandroupolis, Greece, the meeting was quite appealing to undergraduate and graduate students, with over 150 registered participants.
Co-organized by:

Organizing Committe
Giovanni Severino; Senior Researcher, Section of Clinical Pharmacology, Department of Neurosciences B.B. Brodie University of Cagliari, Italy
Alessio Squassina; Researcher, Section of Clinical Pharmacology, Department of Neurosciences B.B. Brodie, University of Cagliari, Italy
George P. Patrinos; Assistant Professor, Department of Pharmacy, University of Patras, Greece
Invited speakers
Luigi Atzori (Cagliari, Italy)
Stefano Calza (Brescia, Italy)
Giovanni Caocci (Cagliari, Italy)
Valeria Deiana (Cagliari, Italy)
Renzo Galanello (Cagliari, Italy)
Federico Innocenti (Chapel Hill , NC, USA)
Roberto De Lisa (London, United Kingdom)
George P. Patrinos (Patras, Greece)
Patricia Rodriguez-Tom (Cagliari, Italy)
Giovanni Severino (Cagliari, Italy)
Alessio Squassina (Cagliari, Italy)
Grover Yu (Beijing, China)
Scientific Program
08:3009:30: Registration
09:3009.40: Welcome addresses
Maria Del Zompo, Head of the Department of Neurosciences B.B. Brodie, University of Cagliari
George P. Patrinos, Assistant Professor, University of Patras, Department of Pharmacy, Patras, Greece
Mario Piga, Dean of the School of Medicine, University of Cagliari
Ennio Filigheddu, Director of Hospital-University Agency of Cagliari
SESSION 1– Chairpersons: Walter Fratta, Micaela Morelli
09:45 -10:10: George P. Patrinos, University of Patras, Greece
Realities and expectations of pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine
10: 10 10:30: Giovanni Severino, Section of Clinical Pharmacology, Department of Neurosciences B.B. Brodie, University of Cagliari
Genome and Adverse Drugs Reactions
10:30 10:50: Roberto De Lisa, Co-ordination and Networking Section Pharmacovigilance and Risk Management Sector, European Medicines Agency
European regulatory activities in pharmacogenomics and personalized medicines
SESSION 2 – Chairpersons: Amedeo Columbano, Bruno Massidda
11:10 11:40: Federico Innocenti, UNC Institute for Pharmacogenomics and Individualized Therapy, Chapel Hill , NC, USA
Pharmacogenomics of antineoplastic therapies
11:40 12:00: Luigi Atzori, Section of Oncology and Molecular Pathology, Department of Toxicology, University of Cagliari
The metabolomic approach in biomarker research
12:00 12:30: Grover Yu, Beijing Genome Institute (BGI), Beijing, China
Human research based on next-generation sequencing
SESSION 3 – CHairpersons: Francesco Marongiu, Giorgio La Nasa
13.30 – 13.50: Renzo Galanello, Head of the Department of Biomedical Sciences and Biotechnologies, University of Cagliari
Updates on the treatment of hemoglobinopathies
13.50 – 14.10: Giovanni Caocci, Department of Medical and Internal Sciences, Center for Bone Marrow Transplants, R. Binaghi Hospital, Cagliari
Updates on the treatment of chronic myeloid leukaemia
14.10 – 14.30: Alessio Squassina, Section of Clinical Pharmacology, Department of Neurosciences B.B. Brodie, University of Cagliari
Pharmacogenomics of mood stabilizers
SESSION 4 – Chairpersons: Alessio Squassina, George P. Patrinos
14.50 15:10: Patricia Rodriguez-Tom, CRS4, Pula, Cagliari
Informatics, drugs and genetics
15:10 15:30: Stefano Calza, Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche e Biotecnologie University of Brescia
Next generation sequencing in pharmacogenomics
15:30 15:50: Valeria Deiana, Section of Clinical Pharmacology, Department of Neurosciences B.B. Brodie, University of Cagliari
From clinical practice to pharmacogenomics
15:50 16:00: Conclusions
The Organizing Committee acknowledges the support of following entities that supported the organization of the 4th Golden Helix Pharmacogenomics Day: