Genomic Medicine implementation in low-resource settings

Late September – Early October, 2021 (exact dates to be announced soon)

In May 2020, G2MC held its 5th International Conference virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic, with plans to postpone the in-person component.

G2MC is excited to announce the 6th Annual G2MC International Conference to be held as a virtual meeting in late September and early October 2021. While the meeting was originally announced as an in-person and virtual hybrid meeting, with the in-person component to be held in Santiago, Chile, the planning committee made the decision in early 2021 to shift the conference to a full virtual format due to ongoing travel and health concerns surrounding COVID-19. We are excited about the potential reach and engagement of participants from across the globe, which will be made possible through the virtual format.

Latest updates:

Dates and Times: The planning committee is re-evaluating the dates and times of the conference, with the intention to spread the conference over a longer period of days with fewer sessions each day in order to better accommodate the schedules of participants.

Shift to Virtual Format: The 2021 G2MC International Conference will be moved to a full virtual conference due to ongoing safety and travel concerns regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. The planning committee is investigating online format options to allow for a highly interactive meeting that incorporates all aspects of the previously scheduled in-person/hybrid meeting.

The 6th Global Genomic Medicine Collaborative Conference organizing Committee


Organized by:

Local organiser:                                         Organizing Partner:

Endorsed by:


Genomic Medicine implementation in low-resource settings

Late September – Early October, 2021 (exact dates to be announced soon)

In May 2020, G2MC held its 5th International Conference virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic, with plans to postpone the in-person component.

G2MC is excited to announce the 6th Annual G2MC International Conference to be held as a virtual meeting in late September and early October 2021. While the meeting was originally announced as an in-person and virtual hybrid meeting, with the in-person component to be held in Santiago, Chile, the planning committee made the decision in early 2021 to shift the conference to a full virtual format due to ongoing travel and health concerns surrounding COVID-19. We are excited about the potential reach and engagement of participants from across the globe, which will be made possible through the virtual format.

We hope you plan to join us for this engaging and interactive conference that will build upon previous conferences and ongoing G2MC projects and initiatives. All G2MC members, partners, collaborators, and anyone in the field of genomic medicine or interested in getting involved with G2MC are encouraged to attend! Specific dates, registration details, and additional information will be added to the event page as planning continues.

Latest updates:

Dates and Times: The planning committee is re-evaluating the dates and times of the conference, with the intention to spread the conference over a longer period of days with fewer sessions each day in order to better accommodate the schedules of participants.

Shift to Virtual Format: The 2021 G2MC International Conference will be moved to a full virtual conference due to ongoing safety and travel concerns regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. The planning committee is investigating online format options to allow for a highly interactive meeting that incorporates all aspects of the previously scheduled in-person/hybrid meeting.

The 6th Global Genomic Medicine Collaborative Conference organizing Committee

Organized by:

Local organiser:                                         Organizing Partner:

Endorsed by:

The Global Genomic Medicine Collaborative


The Global Genomic Medicine Collaborative (G2MC) is an action collaborative among global leaders in the implementation of genomic medicine in clinical care. Arising from the 2014 Global Leaders in Genomic Medicine Summit, the purpose of G2MC is to identify opportunities and foster global collaborations for enabling the demonstration of value and the effective use of genomics in medicine. Engaging multiple stakeholders across the globe, the G2MC group, under the auspices of the Roundtable on Genomics and Precision Health, seeks to improve global health by catalyzing the implementation of genomic tools and knowledge into health care delivery globally. To accomplish these goals, seven working groups were created, including communications, education, evidence, IT/bioinformatics, pharmacogenomics, policy, and a steering group to guide and support efforts among working groups.

Specifically, it is intended to:

  • Serve as nexus, clearinghouse, and knowledge base for genomic medicine activities globally;
  • Develop opportunities for global genomic medicine demonstration projects (implementation and outcomes research) and;
  • Capture and disseminate best practices for genomic medicine (in bioinformatics, education, evidence, pharmacogenomics, policy) across the global genomic medicine community.

Current Activities

The purpose and goals of the Global Genomic Medicine Collaborative (G2MC):

  • Develop projects with global participation
    • Opportunities to disseminate learnings for genomic medicine implementation
    • Educational platforms to support genomic medicine projects
    • Community engagement and access to global genomic medicine expertise
  • Creation of a registry or catalog of genomic medicine projects and programs across the globe to stimulate collaboration and efficiency in translation
  • Be a global policy forum for genomic medicine
    • Mapping the global genomic medicine landscape particularly as it relates to policy and implementation
  • Global eradication of preventable Stevens Johnson Syndrome/Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis

Previous Conferences 

4th G2MC Conference; November 28-30, 2018, Cape Town, South Africa – Genomic Medicine implementation in low-resource settings

The meeting objectives were to:

  • Highlight national efforts and organizations around the world that are implementing genomic medicine into practice
  • Foster collaborations to enable the implementation of genomic medicine
  • Identify and develop solutions for overcoming obstacles to genomic medicine implementation
  • Sponsor the first Young Investigators Forum to foster the development of Young Investigators and provide networking and advancement opportunities

Scientific Program

Speakers and Moderators

3rd G2MC Conference; April 27-29, 2017, Athens, Greece – Implementing Genomic Medicine into Practice

The meeting objectives were to:

  • Highlight national efforts and organizations around the world that are implementing genomic medicine into practice
  • Foster collaborations to enable the implementation of genomic medicine
  • Discuss public health genomics approaches to catalyze implementation of genomic medicine
  • Identify and develop solutions for overcoming obstacles to genomic medicine implementation
  • Create a global tool box for implementation of genomic medicine into practice

Scientific Program

Speakers and Moderators

Photo Gallery

2nd G2MC Conference; November 6-7, 2015, Singapore – Implementing Genomic Medicine into Practice

The meeting objectives were to:

  • Highlight nations or organizations around the world that are implementing genomic medicine into practice
  • Foster/facilitate collaborations to enable the implementation of genomic medicine
  • Highlight best practices and lessons learned to enable others to effectively implement genomic medicine approaches
  • Identify and develop solutions for overcoming obstacles to genomic medicine implementation
  • Identify and discuss regulations and policies that impact the implementation of genomic medicine
  • Create a global tool box for implementation of genomic medicine into practice


Attendee List

G2MC Group Photo

1st G2MC Conference; January 8-9, 2014, Washington DC, USA – Global Leaders in Genomic Medicine

The goals of the meeting were to:

  • Identify areas of active translational and implementation research, potential common strategies, and opportunities for collaborative efforts.
  • Identify common barriers to implementation of genomics in healthcare and a policy agenda relevant to advances in the field.
  • Identify nations with unique capabilities (such as national healthcare systems) that may allow rapid implementation and measures of key outcomes.
  • Discuss opportunities (such as national healthcare system) that may allow rapid implementation and measures of key outcomes.

Young Investigators

Thank you to all Young Investigators who submitted abstracts for the 2020 conference. The Young Investigators Forum was postponed until the 2021 conference in order to allow for in-person interactions and networking opportunities. However, with the further postponement of the in-person meeting, the Young Investigators Subcommittee is in the process of planning engaging and interactive virtual components to be incorporated into the 2021 virtual conference. Young Investigators who submitted 2020 abstracts will be contacted with further guidance and additional details will be posted as they become available.

Conference Organizing Committee

G2MC Co-Chairs 

Geoff Ginsburg; Director, Duke Center for Applied Genomics and Precision Medicine; Professor of Medicine, Biomedical Engineering and Pathology, Duke University, USA

Catalina Correa-Lopez; Chief Scientific Officer, Genome British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

George P. Patrinos; Professor of Pharmacogenomics and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology and Head, Laboratory of Pharmacogenomics and Individualized Therapy, University of Patras, Department of Pharmacy, Patras Greece

Organizing Committee 


Gabriella Repetto, Santiago, Chile (Co-Chair)

Bruce Korf, Tuscallosa, AL, USA (Co-Chair)


Ricardo Armisen, Macul, Chile

Pilar Carvallo, Santiago, Chile

Geoff Ginsburg, Durham, NC, USA

Lovemore Gwanzura, Harare, Zimbabwe

Stefania Koutsilieri, Patras, Greece

Rongling Li, Wahington, DC, USA

Catalina Lopez-Correa, Vancouver, Canada

Ursula Matte, Porto Alegre, Brazil

Gert Matthijs, Leuven, Belgium

George P. Patrinos, Patras, Greece

Teji Rakhra-Burris, Durham, NC, USA

Boris Rebolledo, Santiago, Chile

Gad Rennert, Tel-Aviv, Israel

Alan Shuldiner, Baltimore, MD, USA

Ambroise Wonkam, Cape Town, South Africa

Grant Wood,  Salt Lake City, UT, USA

Young Investigators Forum Planning Committee

George P. Patrinos, – Patras, Greece (Co-Chair)

Catalina Lopez-Correa, Vancouver, Canada (Co-Chair)

Stefania Koutsilieri, Patras, Greece

Ursula Matte, Porto Alegre, Brazil

Boris Rebolledo , Santiago, Chile

Scientific Program

The Planning Committee is working to create an agenda that provides an engaging and interactive experience for participants. The agenda will be updated as times and speakers are confirmed.

Dates and times are subject to change.

2021 International Conference Agenda (COMING SOON)


We are grateful to the following academic and corporate entities who have generously supported the 6th Global Genomic Medicine Collaborative Conference



General registration for the 6th Global Genomic Medicine Collaborative conference will open soon. Please check back for updates.