Golden Helix Conferences
Exhibitor and Sponsorship Opportunities
The Golden Helix Conferences rely on sponsorship to keep registration costs at a minimum, making the conferences affordable to a broad range of participants, particularly from developing and resource-limited countries. The following exhibition and sponsorship opportunities for the Golden Helix Conferences are available:
The Golden Helix Conferences Division is very flexible with sponsorship options. If you would like to discuss these, or any other sponsorship opportunities, please contact us at:
Golden Helix Conferences Worldwide

The following sponsorship packages are available to support the Golden Helix Conferences:
Benefits of Support:
1. An exclusive exhibition space, centrally located in the exhibition hall. The exhibition space [2m x 3m (height 2m)] is suitable for display of equipment and for demonstrations. One table, two chairs & electrical/internet connection will be provided.
2. Adoption of a thematic session in the scientific program.
3. Option to organize a 1-hour satellite event, e.g. to introduce company activities, within the symposiums Scientific Program.
4. 30 min company lecture.
5. Exclusive provision of the participants mailing list.
6. Eight (8) free registrations, which include entrance to all lectures, refreshments and lunch/dinner, but exclude accommodation.
7. Company material and literature into bag.
8. Acknowledgement on the Golden Helix Symposia website for 1 year after this symposium.
9. Link from the Golden Helix Conference website to sponsoring companys website.
10. Prominent acknowledgement in the Conference program and all printed material as Platinum Sponsor.
Benefits of Support:1. An exhibition space in the exhibition hall. The exhibition space [1.5m x 1.5m (height 2m)] is suitable for display of equipment. One table, two chairs & electrical/internet connection will be provided.2. Adoption of a thematic session in the scientific program.3. 30 min company lecture.4. Six (6) free registrations, which include entrance to all lectures, refreshments and lunch/dinner, but exclude accommodation.5. Company material and literature into bag.6. Acknowledgement on the Golden Helix Symposia website for 1 year after this symposium.7. Link from the Golden Helix Symposia website to sponsoring companys website.8. Acknowledgement in the Conference program and all printed material as Gold Sponsor.
Benefits of Support:
1. An exhibition space in the exhibition hall. The exhibition space [1.5m x 1m (Height 2m)] is suitable for display of equipment, literature/products and a pop-up stand. One small table, one chair & electrical/internet connection will be provided.
2. Two (2) free registrations, which include entrance to all lectures, refreshments and lunch/dinner, but exclude accommodation.
3. Company material and literature into bag.
4. Link from the Golden Helix Symposia website to sponsoring companys website.
5. Acknowledgement in the Conference program and all printed material as Silver Sponsor.
Welcome reception
All registered delegates, company representatives and official quests will attend.
Benefits of Support:
1. An exhibition space in the exhibition hall. The exhibition space [1.5m x 1m (height 2m)] is suitable for display of equipment, literature/products and a pop-up stand.
. One small table, one chair & electrical/internet connection will be provided.
2. Two (2) free registrations, which include entrance to all lectures, refreshments and lunch/dinner, but exclude accommodation.
3. Company material and literature into bag.
4. Link from the Golden Helix Conference website to sponsoring companys website.
5. Decorated banners of the sponsor at the Reception area (provided by sponsor).
6. Acknowledgement in the Conference program and all printed material as Sponsor.
Light lunch
All registered delegates and company representatives will attend.
Benefits of Support:
1. Two (2) free registrations, which include entrance to all lectures, refreshments and lunch/dinner, but exclude accommodation.
2. Company material and literature into bag.
3. Link from the Golden Helix Conference website to sponsoring companys website.
4. Decorated banners of the sponsor at the lunch area (provided by sponsor).
5. Acknowledgement in the Conference program and all printed material as Sponsor.
Coffee breaks
All registered delegates and company representatives will attend.
Benefits of Support:
1. One (1) free registration, which includes entrance to all lectures, refreshments and lunch/dinner, but exclude accommodation.
2. Company material and literature into bag.
3. Link from the Golden Helix Conference website to sponsoring companys website.
4. Decorated banners of the sponsor at the coffee-break area (provided by sponsor).
5. Acknowledgement in the Conference program and all printed material as Sponsor.
Adopt a session
Benefits of Support:
1. One (1) free registration, which includes entrance to all lectures, refreshments and lunch/dinner, but exclude accommodation.
2. Company material and literature into bag.
3. Link from the Golden Helix Conference website to sponsoring companys website.
4. Acknowledgement in the Conference program and all printed material as Sponsor.
Invite a speaker
Benefits of Support:
1. One (1) free registration, which includes entrance to all lectures, refreshments and lunch/dinner, but exclude accommodation.
2. Company material and literature into bag.
3. Link from the Golden Helix Conference website to sponsoring companys website.
4. Acknowledgement in the Conference program and all printed material as Sponsor.
Other sponsorship options
Poster awards
Student travel bursaries
Placement of flyers in the delegate packs
Placement of an advertisement in the abstract book
Benefits of Support:
1. Company material and literature into bag.
2. Link from the Golden Helix Conference website to sponsoring companys website.
3. Acknowledgement in the Conference program and all printed material as Sponsor.