We are seeking a marketing or professional congress organizing company or expert to provide services for the organization of the 2nd U-PGx Personalized Medicine Public Day, that will be held in Rome, Italy, on January 21st, 2019 at the Fleming Auditorium of the Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata”. This meeting will be co-organized by the Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata” and the Golden Helix Foundation, partner of the Ubiquitous Pharmacogenomics (U-PGx) project (http://www.upgx.eu), funded by the European Commission (H2020-668353).
This international event is open for the general public, the patient organisations, the regulators,the insurers and for everybody interested in pharmacogenomics. For more information please visit http://www.goldenhelix.org/conferences/pharmacogenomics-days/upcomingconferences (/conferences/pharmacogenomics-days/upcoming-conferences).
Selected company or person will be asked to provide the following services:
– Arranging accommodation for guest speakers (6-8 rooms in up to 4* hotels),
– Arranging for the delivery of catering by a local provider (including 1 coffee break and a light lunch for all the participants (110-15 people) during the event),
– Website development and updating the web-based online registration system,
– Design of promotional material for the event (1st announcement (1000 copies), advertising banner)
– Advertisement of the event in various websites and public press with high attendance and accesible by wide audincies, mailing lists
– create a short list of proposed conferences where the event could be sponsored
– payment of the sponsorship in selected conferences,
– Social Media Consulting and Management,
– Content strategy development for social media channels and write/publish 3 posts each week or 12 per month,
– Design and production of printed material (including brochures, roll-up banners, participants’ name tags (110-150, depending on the number of registered participants),
– Provide notepads and pens for meeting participants (110-150, depending on the number of registered participants),
– Design and printing of the scientific program in a pre-determined format, (110-150 copies, depending on the number of registered participants),
– Printing of folders for participants (110-150, depending on the number of registered participants),
– Provision of communication and advertisement services of the event, including official announcement of the meeting, event campaigns, invitations – sent by e-mail to targeted recipients, advertisement plan (magazines, newspapers, radio and news websites) promoting the event to the local, regional and international network.
To express your interest, please contact: secretariat [AT] goldenhelix [DOT] org with Subject “CEI – Rome 2019”, including:
1. your offer,
2. a detailed description of the proposed activities,
3. a profile and track record of your company
It would be preferable canditates with experience of provision of marketing services on projects funded by Horizon framework..
Deadline: November 30th, 2018