
  1. Kampourakis K, Vayena E, Mitropoulou C, Borg J, van Schaik RH, Cooper DN, Patrinos GP. (2014). Key challenges for next generation pharmacogenomics. EMBO Rep, 15(5): 472-476.
  2. Mizzi C, Mitropoulou C, Mitropoulos K, Peters B, Agarwal MR, van Schaik RH, Drmanac R, Borg J, Patrinos GP. (2014). Personalized pharmacogenomics profiling using whole genome sequencing. Pharmacogenomics, 15(9): 1223-1234.
  3. Snyder SR, Mitropoulou C, Patrinos GP, Williams MS. (2014). Economic Evaluation of Pharmacogenomics: A Value-Based Approach to Pragmatic Decision Making in the Face of Complexity. Public Health Genomics 17(5-6): 256-264.
  4. Mitropoulou C, Mai Y, van Schaik RH, Vozikis A, Patrinos GP. (2014). Documentation and analysis of the policy environment and key stakeholders in pharmacogenomics and genomic medicine in Greece. Public Health Genomics 17(5-6): 280-286.
  5. Mitropoulou C, Fragoulakis V, Bozina N, Vozikis A, Supe S, Bozina T, Poljakovic Z, van Schaik RH, Patrinos GP. (2015). Economic evaluation for pharmacogenomic-guided warfarin treatment for elderly Croatian patients with atrial fibrillation. Pharmacogenomics 16(2): 137-148.
  6. Fragoulakis V, Mitropoulou C, van Schaik RH, Maniadakis N, Patrinos GP. (2016). An Alternative Methodological Approach for Cost-Effectiveness Analysis and Decision Making in Genomic Medicine. OMICS. 20(5):274-282.
  7. Mizzi C, Dalabira E, Kumuthini J, Dzimiri N, Balogh I, Başak N, Böhm R, Borg J, Borgiani P, Bozina N, Bruckmueller H, Burzynska B, Carracedo A, Cascorbi I, Deltas C, Dolzan V, Fenech A, Grech G, Kasiulevicius V, Kádaši Ľ, Kučinskas V, Khusnutdinova E, Loukas YL, Macek M Jr, Makukh H, Mathijssen R, Mitropoulos K, Mitropoulou C, Novelli G, Papantoni I, Pavlovic S, Saglio G, Setric J, Stojiljkovic M, Stubbs AP, Squassina A, Torres M, Turnovec M, van Schaik RH, Voskarides K, Wakil SM, Werk A, Del Zompo M, Zukic B, Katsila T, Lee MT, Motsinger-Rief A, Mc Leod HL, van der Spek PJ, Patrinos GP. (2016). A European spectrum of pharmacogenomic biomarkers: Implications for clinical pharmacogenomics. PLoS One. 11(9):e0162866. Erratum in PLoS One. 12(2): e0172595. 
  8. Vozikis A, Cooper DN, Mitropoulou C, Kambouris ME, Brand A, Dolzan V, Fortina P, Innocenti F, Lee MT, Leyens L, Macek M Jr, Al-Mulla F, Prainsack B, Squassina A, Taruscio D, van Schaik RH, Vayena E, Williams MS, Patrinos GP. (2016). Test pricing and reimbursement in Genomic Medicine: Towards a general strategy. Public Health Genomics 19(6): 352-363.
  9. Mitropoulou C, Fragoulakis V, Rakicevic LB, Novkovic MM, Vozikis A, Matic DM, Antonijevic NM, Radojkovic DP, van Schaik RH, Patrinos GP. (2016). Economic analysis of pharmacogenomic-guided clopidogrel treatment in Serbian patients with myocardial infarction undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention. Pharmacogenomics 17(16): 1775-1784.
  10. van der Wouden CH, Swen JJ, Samwald M, Mitropoulou C, Schwab M, Guchelaar HJ. (2016). A brighter future for the implementation of pharmacogenomic testing. Eur J Hum Genet. 24(12): 1658-1660.
  11. Viennas E, Komianou A, Mizzi C, Stojiljkovic M, Mitropoulou C, Muilu J, Vihinen M, Grypioti P, Papadaki S, Pavlidis C, Zukic B, Katsila T, van der Spek PJ, Pavlovic S, Tzimas G, Patrinos GP. (2017). Expanded national database collection and data coverage in the FINDbase worldwide database for clinically relevant genomic variation allele frequencies. Nucleic Acids Res 45(D1): D846-D853.
  12. van der Wouden CH, Cambon-Thomsen A, Cecchin E, Cheung KC, Dávila-Fajardo CL, Deneer VH, Dolžan V, Ingelman-Sundberg M, Jönsson S, Karlsson MO, Kriek M, Mitropoulou C, Patrinos GP, Pirmohamed M, Samwald M, Schaeffeler E, Schwab M, Steinberger D, Stingl J, Sunder-Plassmann G, Toffoli G, Turner RM, van Rhenen MH, Swen JJ, Guchelaar HJ; Ubiquitous Pharmacogenomics Consortium. (2017). Implementing Pharmacogenomics in Europe: Design and Implementation Strategy of the Ubiquitous Pharmacogenomics Consortium. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 101(3): 341-358.
  13. Fragoulakis V, Mitropoulou C, Katelidou D, van Schaik RH, Maniadakis N, Patrinos GP. (2017). Performance Ratio Based Resource Allocation Decision-Making in Genomic Medicine. OMICS. 21(2): 67-73.
  14. Patrinos GP, Mitropoulou C. (2017). Measuring the value of pharmacogenomics evidence. Clin Pharmacol Ther. 102(5): 739-741.
  15. Balasopoulou A, Mooy FM, Baker DJ, Mitropoulou C, Skoufas E, Bulgiba A, Katsila T, Patrinos GP. (2017). Advancing Global Precision Medicine: An Overview of Genomic Testing and Counseling Services in Malaysia. OMICS. 21(12): 733-740.
  16. Mitropoulos K, Cooper DN, Mitropoulou C, Agathos S, Reichardt JKV, Al-Maskari F, Chantratita W, Wonkam A, Dandara C, Katsila T, Lopez-Correa C, Ali BR, Patrinos GP. (2017). Genomic Medicine Without Borders: Which Strategies Should Developing Countries Employ to Invest in Precision Medicine? A New “Fast-Second Winner” Strategy. OMICS. 21(11): 647-657.
  17. Fragoulakis V, Bartsakoulia M, Díaz-Villamarín X, Chalikiopoulou K, Kehagia K, Ramos JGS, Martínez-González LJ, Gkotsi M, Katrali E, Skoufas E, Vozikis A, John A, Ali BR, Wordsworth S, Dávila-Fajardo CL, Katsila T, Patrinos GP, Mitropoulou C. (2019). Cost-effectiveness analysis of pharmacogenomics-guided clopidogrel treatment in Spanish patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention. Pharmacogenomics J. in press.
  18. Giannopoulou E, Katsila T, Mitropoulou C, Tsermpini EE, Patrinos GP. (2019). Integrating Next-Generation Sequencing in the Clinical Pharmacogenomics Workflow. Front Pharmacol. 10: 384.
  19. Fragoulakis V, Roncato R, Fratte CD, Ecca F, Bartsakoulia M, Innocenti F, Toffoli G, Cecchin E, Patrinos GP, Mitropoulou C. (2019). Estimating the effectiveness of DPYD genotyping in Italian individuals suffering from cancer based on the cost of chemotherapy-induced toxicity. Am J Hum Genet. 104(6): 1158-1168.
  20. Snyder SR, Hao J, Cavallari LH, Geng Z, Elsey A, Johnson JA, Mohamed Z, Chaiyakunapruk N, Chong HY, Dahlui M, Shabaruddin FH, Patrinos GP, Mitropoulou C, Williams MS. (2019). Generic cost-effectiveness models: A proof of concept of a tool for informed decision-making for public health precision medicine. Public Health Genomics 21(5-6): 217-227.
  21. Simeonidis S, Koutsilieri S, Vozikis A, Cooper DN, Mitropoulou C, Patrinos GP. (2019). Application of Economic Evaluation to Assess Feasibility for Reimbursement of Genomic Testing as Part of Personalized Medicine Interventions. Front Pharmacol. 10: 830.
  22. van der Wouden CH, Böhringer S, Cecchin E, Cheung KC, Dávila-Fajardo CL, Deneer VHM, Dolžan V, Ingelman-Sundberg M, Jönsson S, Karlsson MO, Kriek M, Mitropoulou C, Patrinos GP, Pirmohamed M, Rial-Sebbag E, Samwald M, Schwab M, Steinberger D, Stingl J, Sunder-Plassmann G, Toffoli G, Turner RM, van Rhenen MH, van Zwet E, Swen JJ, Guchelaar HJ; Ubiquitous Pharmacogenomics Consortium. (2020). Generating evidence for precision medicine: considerations made by the Ubiquitous Pharmacogenomics Consortium when designing and operationalizing the PREPARE study. Pharmacogenet Genomics. 30(6):131-144. 
  23. Mitropoulou C, Litinski V, Kabakchiev B, Rogers S, P Patrinos G. (2020). PARC report: health outcomes and value of personalized medicine interventions: impact on patient care. Pharmacogenomics. 21(11):797-807. 
  24. Siamoglou S, Karamperis K, Mitropoulou C, Patrinos GP. (2020). Costing Methods as a Means to Measure the Costs of Pharmacogenomics Testing. J Appl Lab Med. 5(5):1005-1016.
  25. Patrinos GP, Pasparakis E, Koiliari E, Pereira AC, Hünemeier T, Pereira LV, Mitropoulou C. (2020).Roadmap for Establishing Large-Scale Genomic Medicine Initiatives in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. Am J Hum Genet. 107(4):589-595.
  26. Siamoglou S, Koromina M, Moy FM, Mitropoulou C, Patrinos GP, Vasileiou K. (2021). What Do Students in Pharmacy and Medicine Think About Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine Education? Awareness, Attitudes, and Perceptions in Malaysian Health Sciences. OMICS. 25(1):52-59.
  27. Mathuba B, Koromina M, Mitropoulou C, Patrinos GP. (2021). Catalyzing clinical implementation of pharmacogenomics and personalized medicine interventions in Africa. Pharmacogenomics. 22(2):115-122.
  28. Runcharoen C, Fukunaga K, Sensorn I, Iemwimangsa N, Klumsathian S, Tong H, Vo NS, Le L, Hlaing TM, Thant M, Zain SM, Mohamed Z, Pung YF, Capule F, Nevado J Jr, Silao CL, Al-Mahayri ZN, Ali BR, Yuliwulandari R, Prayuni K, Zahroh H, Noor DAM, Xangsayarath P, Xayavong D, Kounnavong S, Sayasone S, Kordou Z, Liopetas I, Tsikrika A, Tsermpini EE, Koromina M, Mitropoulou C, Patrinos GP, Kesornsit A, Charoenyingwattana A, Wattanapokayakit S, Mahasirimongkol S, Mushiroda T, Chantratita W. (2021). Prevalence of pharmacogenomic variants in 100 pharmacogenes among Southeast Asian populations under the collaboration of the Southeast Asian Pharmacogenomics Research Network (SEAPharm). Hum Genome Var. 8(1):7.
  29. Siamoglou S, Koromina M, Politopoulou K, Samiou CG, Papadopoulou G, Balasopoulou A, Kanavos A, Mitropoulou C, Patrinos GP, Vasileiou K. (2021). Attitudes and Awareness Toward Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine Adoption Among Health Sciences Trainees: Experience from Greece and Lessons for Europe. OMICS. 25(3):190-199.
  30. Yuliwulandari R, Shin JG, Kristin E, Suyatna FD, Prahasto ID, Prayuni K, Mahasirimongkol S, Cavallari LH, Mitropoulou C, Patrinos GP, Hao J, Williams MS, Snyder SR. (2021). Cost-effectiveness analysis of genotyping for HLA-B*15:02 in Indonesian patients with epilepsy using a generic model. Pharmacogenomics J. 21(4):476-483.
  31. Rogers SL, Patrinos GP, Mitropoulou C, Formea CM, Jones JS, Brown BG. (2021). Inaugural Pharmacogenomics Access and Reimbursement Symposium. Pharmacogenomics. 22(9):515-517.
  32. Koromina M, Fanaras V, Baynam G, Mitropoulou C, Patrinos GP. (2021). Ethics and equity in rare disease research and healthcare. Per Med. 18(4):407-416.
  33. Karamperis K, Tsoumpeli MT, Kounelis F, Koromina M, Mitropoulou C, Moutinho C, Patrinos GP. (2021). Genome-based therapeutic interventions for β-type hemoglobinopathies. Hum Genomics.15(1):32.
  34. Karamperis K, Koromina M, Papantoniou P, Skokou M, Kanellakis F, Mitropoulos K, Vozikis A, Müller DJ, Patrinos GP, Mitropoulou C.(2021). Economic evaluation in psychiatric pharmacogenomics: a systematic review. Pharmacogenomics J. 21(4):533-541. 
  35. Rogers SL, Patrinos GP, Mitropoulou C, Formea CM, Shawn Jones J, Brown BG. (2021).  Inaugural Pharmacogenomics Access and Reimbursement Symposium. Pharmacogenomics J. 22(9):515-517
  36. Koufaki M, Karamperis K, Vitsa P, Vasileiou K, Patrinos GP,Mitropoulou C. (2021). Adoption of pharmacogenomic testing: A marketing perspective. Front Pharmacol.12:724311
  37. Patrinos GP, Mitropoulou C. (2021). Horizon scanning: Teaching genomics and personalized medicine in the digital age. OMICS, 26(2):101-105
  38. Pandi MT, Koromina M, Vonitsanos G, van der Spek PJ, Patrinos GP, Mitropoulou C.(2022). Pharmacol Res. 178:106187.
  39. Shaman JA, Bousman CA, Mitropoulou C, Padmanabhan S. (2022). Development of an optimized and generic cost-utility model for analyzing genome-guided treatment data. Pharmacogenomics: From Bench to Bedside and Back Again. Front Genet. 13:878191.
  40. Swen JJ, van der Wouden CH, Manson LE, Abdullah-Koolmees H, Blagec K, Blagus T, Böhringer S, Cambon-Thomsen A, Cecchin E, Cheung KC, Deneer VH, Dupui M, Ingelman-Sundberg M, Jonsson S, Joefield-Roka C, Just KS, Karlsson MO, Konta L, Koopmann R, Kriek M, Lehr T, Mitropoulou C, Rial-Sebbag E, Rollinson V, Roncato R, Samwald M, Schaeffeler E, Skokou M, Schwab M, Steinberger D, Stingl JC, Tremmel R, Turner RM, van Rhenen MH, Dávila Fajardo CL, Dolžan V, Patrinos GP, Pirmohamed M, Sunder-Plassmann G, Toffoli G, Guchelaar HJ; Ubiquitous Pharmacogenomics Consortium. (2023). A 12-gene pharmacogenetic panel to prevent adverse drug reactions: an open-label, multicentre, controlled, cluster-randomised crossover implementation study. Lancet. 401(10374): 347-356.
  41. Koufaki MI, Fragoulakis V, Díaz-Villamarín X, Karamperis K, Vozikis A, Swen JJ, Dávila-Fajardo CL, Vasileiou KZ, Patrinos GP, Mitropoulou C. (2023). Economic evaluation of pharmacogenomic-guided antiplatelet treatment in Spanish patients suffering from acute coronary syndrome participating in the U-PGx PREPARE study. Hum Genomics. 17(1): 51. 
  42. Fragoulakis V, Roncato R, Bignucolo A, Patrinos GP, Toffoli G, Cecchin E, Mitropoulou C. (2023). Cost-utility analysis and cross-country comparison of pharmacogenomics-guided treatment in colorectal cancer patients participating in the U-PGx PREPARE study. Pharmacol Res. 106949.
  43. Fragoulakis V, Koufaki NI, Tzerefou K,Koufou K, Patrinos GP, Mitropoulou C. (2024). Assessing the utility measurement methods applied in the economic evaluation of pharmacogenomics applications. Pharmacogenomics. 25(2):79-95, 
  44. Skokou M, Karamperis K, Koufaki MI, Tsermpini EE, Pandi MT, Siamoglou S, Ferentinos P, Bartsakoulia M, Katsila T, Mitropoulou C, Patrinos GP; Consortium of the PREPARE study in Greece. (2024). Clinical implementation of preemptive pharmacogenomics in psychiatry. Lancet EBioMedicine. 101:105009, 
  45. Fragoulakis V, Koufaki MI, Joefield-Roka C, Sunder-Plassmann G, Mitropoulou C. (2024). Cost-utility analysis of pharmacogenomics-guided tacrolimus treatment in Austrian kidney transplant recipients participating in the U-PGx PREPARE study. Pharmacogenomics J. 24(2):10, 
  46. Psatha A, Al-Mahayri ZN, Mitropoulou C, Patrinos GP. (2024). Meta-analysis of genomic variants in power and endurance sports to decode the impact of genomics on athletic performance and success. Hum Genomics. 18(1):47, 
  47. Deininger KM, Anderson HD, Patrinos GP, Mitropoulou C, Aquilante CL. (2024). Cost-effectiveness analysis of CYP3A5 genotype-guided tacrolimus dosing in solid organ transplantation using real-world data. Pharmacogenomics J. 24(3):14

Applied Genomics and Public Health
Patrinos GP (ed). Applied Genomics and Public Health. Elsevier/Academic Press, Burlington, CA, USA, ISBN 9780128136959.

Mitropoulou C, Wordsworth S, Buchanan J, Patrinos GP (eds). Economic evaluation of Genomic and Precision Medicine. Elsevier/Academic Press, Burlington, CA, USA, ISBN 9780128133828.

Economic evaluation in genomic medicine

Fragoulakis V, Mitropoulou C, Williams MS, Patrinos GP. (auth). (2015). Economic Evaluation in Genomic Medicine. Elsevier/Academic Press, Burlington, CA, USA, ISBN 978-0128014974.

Molecular Diagnostics 3rd edition

  1. European Commission 01/09/2019 – 30/04/2024
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